Daniel and the Last King of Babylon

Today’s Reading: DANIEL 5:1–12

This is only the first part of this episode in Daniel; tomorrow we’ll read the punchline.

So, Belshazzar is throwing a party.
* Understand, parties like this are not just to have fun and unwind a bit.
* Rather, the purpose is to demonstrate wealth and power.
* In short, Belshazzar is bragging over his guests, his enemies, and the gods of his enemies, or in this case, the God… but Belshazzar doesn’t know that yet.

The party is interrupted by a miracle.
* I, for one, would like to have my party crashed by a miracle; Belshazzar is not so happy.
* In fact, he gets weak in the knees at his little look-at-me-I’m-so-mighty party.
* Could it be that he realizes that he’s not the fearful-est of them all? Hmm?
* He must know what it says because whoever wrote it has greater authority than he does.

It is no accident that Daniel is called.
* This is the queen’s idea, but it is God’s plan.
* Daniel is God’s representative, placed and prepared to deliver a message.

All God’s ambassadors are given a message.
* And all are in a unique position to share that message within a specific circle of influence.
* In our circles, may we be known for having light, understanding, and wisdom (v. 11).


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