We Have Fallen Short of God’s Standard the Farthest with Respect to the Greatest Commandment

Today’s Reading: Genesis 23; Matthew 22; Nehemiah 12; Acts 22

Genesis 23:19–20
* It is important that Abraham actually purchases the land, leaving no room for dispute in the future. Eventually, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Rebekah, and Leah are all buried in the cave.

Matthew 22:36–40
* Jesus lays out the Law in two commands. We recite these verses and shrug, but how far we have fallen short of God’s standard is never more clear and painful than it is in respect to our love for God and our love our neighbor.

Nehemiah 12:27
* It is a fearful thing to be left indefensible—without a wall; and Jerusalem had been left unprotected, vulnerable to any old attack. But to have a sure defense is reason for wild celebration.

Acts 22:19–21
* As Paul recounts his conversion, his confession of guilt and unworthiness is met with a command and a call—a high calling. Paul’s sin was not an obstacle to his service because it was forgiven (see v. 16).

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