Walls Without Watchmen Will Fall

Today’s Reading: Genesis 18; Matthew 17; Nehemiah 7; Acts 17

Genesis 18:20–21
* The Lord decides to reveal to Abraham some of his plan for Sodom and Gomorrah. This should not be interpreted as ignorance on God’s part, but as a way of communicating to Abraham the thoroughness of God’s investigation. It becomes the basis for Abraham’s intercession. God reveals pieces so his people respond.

Matthew 17:19–20
* Here is the mustard seed metaphor again. Living faith is not a question of its amount—more or less—but a question of its object—God’s goodness, wisdom, and power.

Nehemiah 7:3–4
* Even though so much emphasis has been on the walls, Nehemiah knows that the city is made up of people. Walls without watchmen will fall. (And remember Nehemiah has already established that God fulfills his purposes through his people.)

Acts 17:24–28
* The conclusion of God’s thoroughgoing sovereignty over all of his creation is not that it doesn’t matter what we do, but rather that we should seek him because he is near.

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