Sometimes Opposition Means Be Careful, Sometimes It Means Be Bold

Today’s Reading: Genesis 15; Matthew 14; Nehemiah 4; Acts 14

Genesis 15:5–6
* Abram had no children, and his wife was barren. God told him he would have more descendants than there are stars. Abram believed God when he had no other reason than God’s word.

Matthew 14:28–33
* Peter gets out of the boat and walks on water as long as he trusts that Christ will keep him up. The disciples worship Jesus because he is the Son of God—meaning two things: that title implies divinity, and Jesus agreed with them (i.e. he didn’t stop them from worshiping him).

Nehemiah 4:7–9
* The Jews working on the wall do two things. They pray for God’s protection, and they take action to be that protection. They trust in God’s power and care, and they put themselves in position to be God’s answer to their prayers.

Acts 14:1–3
* Sometimes opposition means that the apostles will leave (that is, run for their lives); sometimes it means that they stay and preach with more boldness. How do they know the difference? It’s not a formula. Only the Holy Spirit knows.

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